Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Before Viewing Tree of Life

If I could image a film based on the book of Job it would be about a man that’s living a peaceful life; a man that takes care of his family, wife, and has a successful career. In life they’re always someone that’s jealous of you, therefore there will be a coworker in Job’s business that’s very envious of his lifestyle, also known as Satan. Satan is so envious of Job that he begins to do everything in his power to sabotage Jobs entire life. Satan begins by setting Job up to loose his top position at the law firm. Next, he figures out a clever way to kill Job family in a harsh car accident. Job goes so crazy about loosing his entire family that he’s admitted into the crazy house, where he begins to loose his skin, only left with flesh. I don’t think my idea of this movie would answer the question of why do bad things happen. In my opinion, God puts people in all different situations because he knows they have the strength to deal with them. In the event that the person isn’t strong enough to deal with difficult situations God either helps or takes the person out their misery by bring them to heaven with him. My idea of the movie is that it will end with Job dying; trying to kill himself because he can’t fathom not being with his family, as his begins to fall off. He tries to kill himself to take him out of his misery, just as he’s about to take the gun to his head- he receives a phone call from his mother, which is Gods way of telling him to hold on and don’t give up when the going gets tough.

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