Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Review: Do Research on Rotten Tomatoes Brief Reviews

I recently read Martin Tsai rotten tomatoes on “Treee of Life”; Tsai doesn’t really go in depth about “Tree of Life” to give me a clearer interpretation of the film. However, he does state, “Mr.Malick further explores his artistic preoccupation of man vs. nature with “Tree of Life,” although this time he has expanded the scope to perhaps the topic’s farthest logical extension: evolution vs. intelligent design”. In other words the essence of this film was for the audience to understand that man is one with nature; Malick grasp this idea by showing different scenes throughout the movie where the little boys are outside being one with nature. But, I must admit, “Tree of Life has to have a deeper meaning then connecting men to nature. I did however finally understand where the dinosaurs connected with the essence of the film; according to Tsai’s logic the dinosaurs were included in the film to allow the audience to understand since before our time nature has been the essence to life. Although I must see the film again, I noticed that Tsai agrees with me, when asked in class do I think their father was a bad father? My response was of course he was a bad father well, in my eyes he was. Tsai clarifies my thoughts as he states, “Their father’s tough love also gradually crosses a line and becomes terrifying once his professional life devolves”. One of the few scenes that I do recall from “Tree of Life” was when Jack was in the elevator and he’s having flashbacks of his childhood with his father, he seems to be having a panic attack in the office building of his job; the way his father treated him as a child clearly greatly effected him as an adult.

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